Family matters: three couples assess the new Kia XCeed crossover

Seeing the sights can bring obstacles: jams, lack of parking and tourists, but Kia's new crossover
Kia XCeed combines hatchback with SUV for fabulous family day out

Kia XCeed takes on a family day out (sponsored)

Seeing the sights can bring obstacles: jams, lack of parking and tourists, but Kia's new crossover
Peak performance: climbing coach and entrepreneur Be Fuller on how you can help mind, body and soul reach the summit

How to reach peak mind, body & soul (spon)

Belinda Fuller on how she found love on the rocks as she trained the GB paraclimbing team — and gives her verdict on the versatile Kia XCeed.
Introducing the all-new Kia XCeed

Introducing the all-new Kia XCeed (sponsored)

Over the past couple of decades, the family car has been on an adventure. First it added 4x4, then comfort, as the 'SUV'. Now we have 'CUVs'.
History of electric cars

The history of the electric car (spon)

Electric cars may be on the cusp of a breakthrough, but they spent decades in a cul-de-sac after being first off the line almost 200 years ago.
Charging into the future: how our homes – and streets – will adapt to the new electric car age

How our homes will adapt to electric cars (spon)

As pure-electric cars such as the pioneering Kia e-Niro gradually replace petrol- and diesel-powered models, homes, garages and the streets...
Jurassic spark: 222 miles along the Jurassic Coast in the Kia e-Niro electric car

Jurassic spark: 222 miles in Kia e-Niro (spon)

Some of Britain's most popular visitor destinations are found along the Jurassic Coast, where the foot of Britain dips into the waters of...
10 electric car myths

Busting 10 common electric car myths (spon)

To clear up some of the confusion around electric cars, we've had a go at busting 10 of the most common myths about zero-emissions motoring.

Driving with… William Hardie

The master craftsman behind some of the most wacky, wonderful designs you will see on TV drives the All-New Kia Optima Sportswagon to the seaside

The very best of the Kia Instagram Challenge

We pick our favourite photographs from three very different days out in the All-New Kia Niro

In perfect harmony

Will Spencer tests the new Kia Optima Plug-In to see if its hi-tech spec can help make life easier. So, will he end up singing its praises?

Dina Asher-Smith runs around town in the Kia Niro

In our latest Kia Instagram Challenge, Olympic sprinter Dina Asher-Smith sees if the Kia Niro can keep up with her on a London shopping trip

An HONEST day’s work

Phil Eeles, the co-founder of Honest Burgers, runs the Kia Optima Sportswagon through its multitasking paces