Results | movie (267)

The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: James Garner, star of film Grand Prix, dies aged...

To TV and movie audiences he was the epitome of the cool, square-jawed all-American hero but to car enthusiasts James Garner was also “one of us”.
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Look, no hands: How close is the car of the future?

What is the car of the future? When will it get here? And how will we recognise it?
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Test your knowledge: Who starred as Lara Croft, Land...

The 2001 movie adaptation of video game Tomb Raider could hardly be considered a classic of modern cinema... but which Hollywood actress played titular...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: Samuel L Jackson, the driving instructor, passes...

Snakes on a plane! Get that driving instructor on the phone
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: Steve McQueen’s son on track for a return to...

Chad McQueen revisits Le Mans, location of his father's famous racing film, for new documentary
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

10 things to do if you're not at the Goodwood Festival...

As the Goodwood Festival of Speed prepares to rev up, we offer 10 alternatives for those not going
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: VW film puts texting cinemagoers in the driving...

A powerful new film by VW rams home the anti text-drive message with a bang.
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

24 hours in a car: Welcome to drive-thru Britain

As drivers spend ever more time cocooned in their motors, Driving attempts to pass an entire day without once setting foot outside a car
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Jay Leno drives the Volvo V60 Polestar

At the wheel of the Volvo estate that goes like a Ferrari
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Government plans to turn UK streets into 15mph cycle-friendly...

The government plans to turn some streets into slow zones where drivers, banned from overtaking, will be limited to 15mph.
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Video: Bullitt remake sees action transferred to, er...

It's not exactly LA, and the smart Nisa Local in sleepy Silverstone village is no downtown liqueur store, but as a tribute to the famous chase sequence...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

Right, Mr Bond, I expect you to floor it

Now that Britain’s spooks can legally break the speed limit, the former head of MI5 Jonathan Evans learns how to go on a hot pursuit and beat off...