Plastic from car tyres pours into ocean

Plastic from car tyres pours into ocean

Clothes washing and driving are a much bigger problem in polluting the world’s oceans than the microbeads that the government plans to ban...

VW UK boss tells ‘blatant lies’

MPs condemned the boss of Volkswagen in Britain for telling “blatant lies” after he denied that the carmaker deceived customers during...
Diesel ‘doubles risk of dementia’

Diesel ‘doubles risk of dementia’

New evidence has emerged to show that diesel pollution can double the risk of getting dementia and may be responsible for as many as a fifth of c

Rail grant cut to put 190,000 trucks on road

British roads could be hit by up to 190,000 extra lorry journeys a year after “penny-pinching” ministers cut £4m of subsidy for rail freight...
Diesel motorists face variable charges based on emissions and aggressiveness

Diesel drivers face variable charges

Drivers of dirty diesel cars could be charged a variable fee based on the pollution they emit under proposals being considered...
Get diesel vehicles off the road, urge doctors

Get diesel vehicles off the road, urge doctors

Hundreds of doctors and health experts have urged the government to remove diesel vehicles from the road as soon as possible because they are cau
Public transport worse than driving for exposure to air pollution

Commuters warned of new air pollution risk

Travelling by public transport exposes commuters to up to eight times as much air pollution as those who drive to work, a groundbreaking study fo