Sergio Marchionne obituary

Chain-smoking boss of Fiat known as ‘the man of the eternal pullover’ who revitalised the ailing car company and also took on Chrysler.
After VW dieselgate, Fiat Chrysler accused of rigging emissions by EPA

Fiat accused of rigging emissions

More than 4,000 Jeep owners in the UK have been dragged into the emissions cheating scandal as the US environment watchdog levels charges...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

How awkward was di Montezemolo's Ferrari exit press...

The idea that the camera never lies was abandoned even before fashion magazines discovered the airbrush, but the archive of images from last week's...
The Sunday Times Driving Placeholder

News: Ferrari may increase production; turbocharged...

The waiting time for your new Ferrari could be about to get shorter after the new boss of the car maker said he is considering increasing production.