Watch as vandal sets fire to red-light camera

Watch as vandal sets fire to red-light camera

A helmet-wearing vandal has been caught setting fire to a traffic camera in Windsor, a suburb of Melbourne, on April 2.
Rapist taxi driver John Worboys to remain in prison after release decision overturned

Rapist taxi driver Worboys to remain in prison

The decision to release from prison a London taxi driver who was convicted of the rape and sexual assault of his passengers has been quashed...
The best small car with 0% APR: Ford Fiesta

Ford Fiestas at risk of keyless theft by gangs

It's usually upmarket cars such as Range Rovers and BMWs in the news for keyless theft, but now the family favourite Ford Fiesta supermini has be
Top 10 worst places for car vandalism revealed

Top 10 worst places for car vandalism revealed

Do you live in a vandalism hot spot? Is your car likely to be keyed, have its windows broken or badge pulled off the bonnet?
'Bulls***!': Richard Hammond says his 'castle' wasn't burgled after all

Richard Hammond's '£2m castle' wasn't burgled

Richard Hammond was in the press over the weekend, with stories suggesting his "£2m castle" in Herefordshire was burgled...
Blight van man: huge rise in van theft as crooks defeat keyless systems

Huge rise in theft of vans with 'smart keys'

It’s being called the blight of van man, or woman. Figures reveal there has been a staggering 100% rise in the theft of vans taken without the ow
Met Police goes zero-emission with fleet of Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell

Met Police goes zero-emission with Toyota Mirai

London’s Metropolitan Police Service has added the first-ever “zero-emission” cars to its fleet: 11 Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell cars.
More than 8,000 motorists a year caught driving with broken rear lights

8,000 a year caught with broken rear lights

If you've noticed a lot of cars being driven with broken rear lights, you're not alone — so have the police.
UK has second highest fine in Europe for using phone while driving

UK has second highest fine in EU for phone use

Motorists in the UK are slapped with some of the highest fines in Europe for using a handheld mobile phone while driving, a new study has found.
One in five drivers still using mobiles at wheel — but it could lead to disqualification

One in five drivers still using mobiles at wheel

Seven million motorists — representing one in five cars on UK roads — are still using a handheld mobile phone while driving, despite tough...
Killer driver had never passed a test

Killer driver had never passed a test

A motorist who drove for decades even though he had never passed a test and had no licence has been found guilty of killing a woman...
Ghost brokers: police warn of rise in fake car insurance

Police warn of rise in fake car insurance

Scammers are using social media to trick drivers into buying fake car insurance policies. Police in London warn that around 850 people have repo